What’s truly possible for your life, your business, your happiness? For most of us we barely get a glimpse of who ,or what we could be. In this taster session we will open your eyes to what your future and best self may look like. We will figure out how far down the rabbit hole goes for you. We will give you an understanding of what your future might look like after we have chipped away all the marble to release the statue beneath. We will figure out some of the real possibilities for your future that are waiting for you there. To see what your life might be like, if you were living like you truly mattered. That you were living each day with purpose, power and passion. Before you commit to what might be, dip your toe to test the waters.
You know that inside you there is a Hero waiting to show themselves. You are ready to do whatever it takes to slay your dragons. To conquer all that stand in your way of having the life you were always destined for. You are ready to open yourself to the possibility of your transformation. You are ready to turn into your very best self. You are ready to truly commit to being the superhero version of your self. To live life way above the average person, to truly dwell in the realms of the gods. To be able to stare life in the face and say ‘Nothing Can Stop Me, For I Am Ready For Greatness!" This is your commitment to making your dreams a reality.
You are new to coaching and you are not sure if it is for you or not. You recognitise that there is a gap between who you are now, where you are now and who are where you should really be. You regonise that this gap may not exist if you were really at your best. You recognise that Transformation quite often does not happen over night. It seldom happens by itself. But for now you need some time to figure out if coaching really is for you. You are ready to make your first stand in your journey to greatness and are ready to test the waters. This is you taking the first step on the road to your success.
You know that inside you lives a sleeping giant. You know that with a few more insights, and ideas the sleeper will awaken. You know you don’t yet have all the answers, as if you did you would be there already. You know that with the right vision and strategy you are not far from the finishing line. You just have a few hurdles you need to flatten out yourself, before you hit the finishing line. Your transformation into your very best self is within arms reach, you just need a gentle nudge in the right direction. You are ready to cross the finish line.
All three parts of “The Trinity” to include ROAOA, Visioneering & RSBP described in the individual breakdowns. Often after you have received all parts of "The Trinity" many people need some additional guidance and accountability, to ensure that they take away the most they can from what the trinity has revealed to them. Coaching adds that little bit of support to make sure you get that.