You have your Vision for the future but now what?

Everyone and their uncle will tell you that you should have a vision. In fact, without a vision people perish, that’s what is said in the good book. Oh, and Steve Jobs was a visionary so it must be a good idea.

Look this is not me crapping on the idea of having a vision.


I believe in having a vision. you need a vision as part of a strategy-driven life. It so obviously provides direction rather than you aimlessly flapping in the wind.


So go develop a vision for yourself then come back here as I show you how to make your vision a reality.


So if you have ever said, “I know what I am aiming for but now what?” You’re in the right place.

By the time you finish reading this, you will know how to bring about the realisation of your vision with some concrete steps.

Let’s get started with what I call “The Vision Deconstruction Process”.


Step #1 V to G

  • All visions are made up of a set number of outcomes. It could be things like Health, Wealth, Love & Happiness, or any number of other things that complete your big picture. Our first step is to break these up into separate big-picture goals.

Step #2 G to S

  • Every Goal has a number of stepping stones that we must cross in order to reach that goal. In this step, we map out these stepping stones. That take us from where we are in a broad sense to our goal. We list the 5-7 steppings stones that get us there. I suggest you start with the first stone, then the last one before realization followed by the midway point, before filling out the rest.

Step #3 S to T

  • Now you take that first stepping stone. You break it down into its component parts and list all the Tasks that would need to be completed to get you to the next stepping stone. You list them and prioritise them. You take action on each Task until that stepping stone is complete.
  • Every time you reach a new stepping stone or goal you repeat the process. You break it down Goals->Steps->Tasks->Prioritise->Action!
  • You are always aware of what you should be doing because nothing is uncertain. It is not a pipe dream it is a strategy plan.

There you go Simple! Vision into reality with little in the way of fuss.