Imagine there was a way that when you needed it most, in those moments of high impact you turned up as the very best version of yourself.

None of us are firing on all four cylinders 100% of the time. That is ok, it would be exhausting to always be turned up to eleven all of the time. Sometimes though when we need to be all systems go we are not, and that’s a problem.

There is an idea used by high performers, in sports, music, in business and in life that allows them to turn a switch and turn up and always perform at their peak.

So if you have ever wanted to ensure you at your better-than-best self when you need to be, then you are in the right place.

By the time you finish reading this, you will have your very own superhero suit to wear as and when you choose to put it on.

Does this work? Sasha Fierce will tell you “Damn right it does!” You might wonder who she is well, she is the Alter Ego of Beyonce. Beyonce wears her when she needs to perform. It is not just her, David Bowie, Eminem, Prince and Kobe Bryant all have used an alter ego to put their game face on.

Why? Because it works.

Here is how you get it to work for you.


Pick Your Superpowers

  • If you are going to be a superhero version of yourself you are going to need some powers. So think of how you want to turn up at your best then pick 3 skills or abilities that you would need. We are not talking super strength here or eyes that shoot lasers, we are talking behaviours you would like to embody.

Pick Someone Who Represents These

  • Next, you want to look into the world and try to think of someone who has these skills, often you will need two or more people to get your character mix just right. Now put a name to this alter ego. Name your superhero.

Wear Them

  • When you have a clear idea in your mind of what they look like. I want you to pretend you’re a method actor and you mentally step into that alter ego super suit and see how it feels wearing it. Stand how they would stand, walk how they would walk, talk how they would talk, act how they would act. Practice in your suit. Get good at wearing this other you. Feel how it feels to be them.

The more you practise this the more you will be able to step into this role as and when you need it. Don’t worry this is just acting, for now. This is something you can play with as and when you want. That said, you might like to put on this superhero suit just when you think you might need it. And who knows if you are lucky when you step out of it some of your super suit comes back with you.

Cary Grant once said, “I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally, I became that person. Or he became me.”