You’re a would-be high performer looking to operate at peak.

Most people are too tired and burnt out. The grind has taken its toll. Hustle has depleted them to the point of a standstill. It is a common theme.

But what if there was a way to maintain high performance without the downsides of constant crashes?

Let’s explore the power of DELIBERATE rest and recovery.

The Big Idea

Prioritizing rest and recovery over constant hustle can significantly enhance performance and prevent burnout. Let me explain…


The Vital Importance of Rest

The seventh habit of highly effective people, “sharpen your saw,” emphasizes the importance of rest and recovery. No one wants to stoop and build things with warn-out tools.

There is a line from the Jason Bourne books which bears heeding, and we all know he is a character known for his relentless pursuit and high performance. He stated, “Rest is a weapon.” In fact in one of the books, his men gather around him to protect him to give him time to sleep so he can recover and think clearly. Fiction this may be, but this has real-world applications.

Deliberate rest isn’t just about sleep; it’s about giving your mind and body the time to rejuvenate.

The Power of Deliberate Rest

Before incorporating rest into your routine, you might feel like you’re constantly grinding with no energy. Rest creates perspective and thinking time. It allows you to take an observer’s view rather than just being a participant.

It gifts you…

  • Increased creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Improved mental clarity and decision-making.
  • Enhanced physical recovery and reduced risk of injury.

Avoiding Burnout

Burnout is real. When it hits, everything comes to a grinding halt. Incorporating regular rest can revitalize and refresh you, preventing burnout before it starts.

So many people crash and nothing gets done. Motivation wanes. Production halts.

Deliberate R&R not only keeps you at peak it innoculates you against disaster.

Necessity Not Luxury

Rest isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity for high performance. Sharpen your saw and see the difference it makes.

I’m going to leave you with a story…

There were once two lumberjacks. The first worked non-stop all day, feeling proud after chopping down 10 trees. The second took regular breaks to rest and sharpen his axe, managing to cut down 15 trees each day. One day, the first lumberjack, astonished by the second’s progress, asked, “How do you cut down more trees despite taking breaks?” The second replied, “I rest and sharpen my axe every hour.”

What’s Next

Don’t just intellectualize what you’ve learned. Take one small step right now—schedule a rest period in your day and start experiencing the benefits of deliberate recovery.

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.


Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.
