Most people who fail to succeed do so because they neglect to grasp one key concept.

They come up with a brilliant idea or plan, they try it, it doesn’t work they give up. This is why most people don’t get what they want out of life. They believe their idea or plan is a fully formed thing. It either works or it doesn’t.

This is the wrong way to look at it.

Fear not what is about to unfold is a simple yet powerful process that will move you faster towards success than a winged chariot.


So what is this process?

Well, before we get to that I want to make a distinction. Most people who have a “Big Idea” think that the idea itself is important. nothing could be further from the truth. Ideas are two a penny. They have some value, but not as much as people think.

What is important is the feedback that the idea gives.


The Iterative Cycle.

Forget ideas this is how you want to think about things. All ideas go through this cycle.

Idea –> Implementation –> Outcome –> Adjust–> Idea

You have your idea, you take action on the idea and put it out there, you see what happens to the idea, you then try and improve that idea. That improvement becomes the new “Big Idea”. Which in turn goes through the cycle once more.

I want you to get this “Big Idea”...

  1. It’s the number of iterations that drives the learning/success curve.
  2. The faster you go through this cycle the quicker you get what you want.


Look at all the areas that have a point of impact on your life. List them out. If they are not perfect or not as great as you know they could or should be start running them through the cycle, your speed of improvement as you spiral up will be astounding.


Oh and remember to make something good, do it once. To make something great, just re-do it, re-do it, re-do it. The secret to making remarkable things is in remaking them.