1. always something that you have to write about. Most humans are near bottomless wells of wisdom that are ready to draw from.
  2. You know less than you think you know – As a counter to the first point, often what you think you know is less well thought through than you think it is. You have vague constructions rather than concrete ideas. The good thing about writing it allows you to solidify it in order to pass this info on.
  3. Never start on a blank page – A blank page is the writer’s enemy. Either jot down notes or better yet have a structure already pasted on your page first (even if you don’t use it) it makes the writing sooooo much easier.
  4. Write (put one foot in front of another) – If you have no desire to write just write anyway and see what comes out that first word is the hardest but they get much easier after that the longest journey starts with the first step, an article starts with the first word. Get that first one down and you are on the move.
  5. Do your best and accept it all won’t be amazing – Apparently, Mozart never wrote a bad note. Most of us are not Mozart there will be plenty of bad notes and poorly formed sentences, and some articles will be much better than others. The thing is it is better to take a swing and a miss than not swinging at all. You miss every pitch that you don’t swing at.
  6. Have an idea pool to pick from – Have a large list of ideas that you want to write about. Brainstorm these in advance. If you only have one idea to write about that puts you in a headlock. If you have a dozen ideas you can decide which one that day suits your mood. Trust me when I say this makes the writing easier.
  7. Recycle old ideas – As you evolve so does your thinking about an idea so even if you have written about something before if your thinking about it has improved, upgraded or changed feel free to write about it again.
  8. Steal other’s ideas with a twist – Good artists copy, great artists steal. So if you can take something that is already excellent and add your unique perspective or twist then you have added to the world. If you are just going to steal someone else’s idea then don’t.
  9. Tell a story – We are all walking storybooks we have a limitless number of unique stories because each of us is unique. Learn to see what happens to you as a lesson to be told in story format. Give your story to the world.
  10. Share your work – None of us likes to be judged and putting your writing into the world creates the opportunity for you to be judged. While feedback can be great, criticism can hurt. But that is the cost of creation. I believe the rewards for creation outweigh the cost of criticism, but that is a personal choice and a decision you have to make for yourself. Be brave, be bold and believe in your work.


OK well, there you have it. I hope that was useful. Oh, one final thing remember “Writers Write”.


Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.


Thank you for reading.

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