Morning Routines should be a ridiculous idea. I mean who wants to do the same thing over and over? Surely we all want a life full of adventure and variety right?

But what if I said that you could nearly always have a happy and productive day that you would start every day feeling on top of the world, that by the time your head left your pillow your mind and your thinking would be light years ahead of the average Joe. Would that change your mind?

Then let me tell you about a simple system that I have used for years I call it Magic Waves as well, that is the acronym that I shoehorned in to make it work.

My system is for anyone who wants a quick strategy to jump-start to your day.

I promise you by the time you finish reading this you will leave your bed in the morning feeling turbo-charged and capable of wonderous things.

This is a modified/simplified version of my best-selling book of the same name.

Tiny bit of context, the first 3 letters MAG (mindfulness, affirmation, gratitude) can be done as soon as you wake up without even getting out of bed.


Mindfulness – A couple of minutes of making myself present often through box breathing (in for a count of 4 hold for 4 out for 4 hold for 4 repeat).

Affirmations – Use whatever you like. Mine revolve around health wealth love and happiness but any affirmation will do.

Gratitude – I list all the things I am grateful for, for the people and things that directly and indirectly effect me in a positive way. (For a long time I have coupled Gratitude with Forgiveness. Forgiveness is powerful but takes time and you have to treat it like a muscle, start small and build your way up.

Information – This is where I take on something I am learning or researching usually in the form of an audiobook. It is this way as normally I combine my learning with exercise in the form of…

Cardio – Normally I will do some form of exercise… it is either Yoga or Bodyweight exercise a brisk walk or if the weather is not good I hop on the stationary bike.

Water – Most of us wake up dehydrated. I religiously consume a litre of water within the first 30 minutes of my day often containing a zero-sugar electrolyte.

Abundance – I hit the shower and in the shower, I think of all the people I care about and I wish on them all the things I think they need often the aforementioned Health Wealth Love & Happiness. I also do this for the good people of the world.

Visualization – I do a quick visualization of well my big vision for myself. Then one for the day ahead and how I want it to go. Don’t underestimate this. If you already do what needs to be done in your head first, this often lessons or completely removes the friction of actually doing those things in reality.

Energy – By now I am all ready to conquer the world but I quickly check in on my energy levels, to see if I am in the right energetic state to get the party started. If I am not I use one of my “Energy Management Tools” and get me in the right spot.

Start – With that all done I am ready to get going. I focus on the single most important task that moves me towards my big-picture things and focus all my energy in doing that. I always find it best to start the day with a big win, it makes the rest of the day easier.

Ok there you have it M.A.G.I.C W.A.V.E.S try just the first three letters and see how you get on. If you do you will love trying the rest.