Once grasped, this idea can change everything in your world or any other universe you care to imagine.


It begins with a story. Twins start a job at the same company on the same day. For one year they save the same amount of money in the same bank. At the end of the year, the bank goes belly up, and they both lose all their money. One twin stops saving because after all, what’s the point? The other doubles down and saves twice as much in order to get back what was lost and move further on from where he started.

Do you see the power of this story?

If not I will explain…

This one simple story proves that in every situation. EVERY SITUATION. You have a CHOICE. You are NOT at the effect you are at the cause.

No one can make you feel or think anything. No situation has a fixed set of rules. You always get to choose.


Anyone who doubts themselves or thinks the world is out to get them. Your wrong. That is always your choice.

If you put this idea into practice you will Never be a victim again. Things will happen to you for sure, but at that moment you will now have a choice. To react, or to respond. To react is involuntary. This is the emotional side. To respond is the rational higher self who sees the big picture and the countless choices that branch off from that and any and all situations.


Let me give you another quick harsh example.

A random stranger on the street punches you. You can get upset. You can flee. you can call the police. You can fight back. You can look for sympathy from strangers. You can get angry about it, you can never leave the house again. You have a great story to tell your mates down the pub.

All manner of options spring forth from this situation.

You might even wonder what has gone so wrong in the strangers life that they would do such a thing.


Most people will believe there is only one right way to act to this situation. It will be the way “they” react. They don’t know what you now know. They don’t know that they always get to choose.


You know better. In life, as a thinking feeling human being, you always get a choice.

You now know in any situation you get to choose how you respond. Positively, Neagatively and the thousands of other possible options you have by choice, and that has genius, that has power, that has magic in it.