If you are a business owner the big dream, somewhere in the back of your mind is to have it purr like a kitten while it churns out ungodly amounts of cash, with you sipping margaritas on the beach. Am I right?


If you adopt a simple idea this might not be as far-fetched and preposterous as it sounds, the fact of the matter in nearly all entrepreneurial-led businesses is this…

The Business Owner is the Bottleneck.

Fear not you legendary warrior of the business world. By the time you finish reading this, you will know exactly how to cure your ills and why you escaping your business is the single best growth strategy there is.

Don’t believe me? I know I know I wouldn’t, but have a little faith. This has worked in countless businesses for every type of business owner some dumber than a box of rocks. So trust me this will work for you.

In order to get past the self-inflicted bottlenecks you have to get yourself out of the way. In order to get you out of the way we have to perfect things, and then systemize things.


Escape Forces You To Use Systems

  • In order to extract yourself from a pain or problem that you are faced with, first you have to fix it “once and for all”. No more quick fixes, triage or patches. This forces you to elevate your thinking, your problem solving your solutions. Because you are not solving for right now you are solving for all time. Once that plan, policy or procedure is in place, it is fixed and can be automated and handed off. That is the first step to freedom.

Escape Forces You To Remove Bottlenecks

  • If you are systematically removing yourself from your business. You will have to analyse where you fall down, and where your business gets tangled in the weeds. It is nearly always in the urgent and unimportant work. You know what it is. it is that stuff that needs to be done but you just can’t prioritize it right now. You know what? Fix it once and for all. Then delegate it. Fix it, then delegate it. Do that for all those things that stop the flow. The kinks in your hosepipe. Once done the money like the water flows


Escape Streamlines Your Path To Growth

  • As you deliberately fix these roadblocks to your business running like a dream. Guess what? Now it does! It runs like an F1 car on race day. Because it runs so well you can pour more fuel in it, it can handle it now where before the engine would have exploded or broken down and left you weeping by the side of the road. Your business runs like clockwork like your own cash generation printing press. The money flows…

The sun shimmers on the crystal blue glass flat water, the cool summer breeze caresses your tanned skin and with a twinkle in your eye, you pick up your glass and sip.