The world is a maddening place.

It’s imperfect. Full of injustice and unfairness. Politics polarize. Protests seem ineffective.

The Focus Problem

What you focus on expands. The news poisons us with fear rather than information. Social media is a black hole. No one listens. No one admits they’re wrong.

On the flip side, we have keyboard warriors. They think a few words, a meme, or enough outrage will fix everything. But it doesn’t.

Moral Outrage and Inaction

People love scandals and injustice because it lets them feel morally superior without doing anything. They get to feel good for a moment but achieve nothing. So, what’s the point?

My Rule: Fix What You Can Personally

I have a rule: focus on things I can fix personally. I ask myself, “Is my time, energy, thought, or money going to affect the outcome meaningfully?” If the answer is no, I don’t do it. It might seem selfish, but our resources are limited. It’s better to use them where they have a real impact.

Start Close to Home

Few of us will change the world, but we can change what’s close to us: ourselves, our friends, family, colleagues. The best place to start is with yourself.

I get along best with “I’m fixing myself first” people.

Once they’ve made progress, they expand their influence—fixing their space, community, city, country, and then the world.

The Order Matters

Many try to fix the world without sorting themselves out first. Jordan Peterson says, “Tidy your room before you solve the world’s problems.” Maybe it should be, “Start tidying yourself up first.”

Serve from Overflow

Another quote I like: “You do not serve people from your cup; you serve them from the saucer which overflows from the cup.”

There is an idea I like I call it jugs and candles. There are two types of people who give of themselves One gives in the form of a jug and the other in the form of a candle. Jugs pour out and can empty. Candles light others without losing their flame. Many good people who help others do so by giving of themselves and feel exhausted these are Jug people. Others are beacons who light up others without any loss to themselves. Still, others try to change the world with empty jugs or unlit flames. You need to fill yourself first before you even attempt change elsewhere.

Compassion with Action

It’s good to care about the world’s problems. But focus on what you can fix. Start with yourself. Most of us are fixable or at least improvable. Level up, get better, and teach others by example. Change the world one person at a time, starting with yourself.

We can all change the world by focusing on what we can objectively fix. At least, that’s how I see it. But maybe I’m wrong. What do you think?

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.

Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow on Twitter.
