There is an incredibly destructive disease that puts fear into the heart of man…

What is this fear I hear you ask? I will get to that in just one second. Before I do I want to ask you a question… How many ideas do you have for changing your future for the better?

If you are like most people it is probably not many at all.

You see, most people cling on to one idea that might change their future. Their one way to get out of the rut they are in. The one idea that might turn their life around.

And that is a problem.

That is the disease OneIdeaitis…

Most people who have OneIdeaitis never take action and never do anything with their idea because if they do and they fail what’s left? Nothing. No hope for the future. So they cling on to that one idea and never do anything with it because with that idea they have hope.


Today, we are going to cure OneIdeaitis once and for all.

So, if you have ever felt stuck because of a lack of options you are in the right place.

By the time you finish reading this, you will become an idea-generating titan. With the ability to generate more ideas than you could ever use. Hell, if you practice what you learn here you will be giving away your ideas because you will have so many of them.

Some of you right now are thinking “Ideas don’t have any value, ideas are two-a-penny, it’s execution that has value.” We’ll get to that.

Here is the strategy that will take you from “Idea Poverty” to “Idea Abundance” and cure OneIdeaitis once and for all.

The List

  • Every day you are going to create a list of 10 ideas about anything you like. It could be a list on 10 businesses you would like to start, 10 marketing ideas, it could be 10 hobbies to try, or places to visit. It could be 10 ideas to help that friend who needs help, or 10 ideas to help yourself. It can be 10 ways to improve anything, your fridge, your car, your shoes anything at all. The point is just to start to get good at coming up with ideas.
  • Your first list. 10 ideas you would like to have 10 ideas about. (Now you will never run out of ideas, you just create a new idea list).

Not Every One Has To Be Good.

  • Most people when it comes to ideas worry that theirs won’t be good. They don’t have to be, they can be silly or stupid or foolish. The point is to get the creative juices flowing. The more you practice the better your ideas become.
  • If you did this for a year you would have generated 3650 ideas most would be not very good, some would be alright along the way, a couple of hundred would be great ideas. And hidden among those might be 3 or 4 that will change your life forever.

Ideas Have NO Value, Action Is King

  • Yeah, I hear you, ideas without execution are often just a fantasy. However, let’s say you come up with an idea that is a real doozy a holy cow sort of idea. You take that idea and come up with 10 ideas on how you might execute that idea. 10 ideas of steps you can take and actions you can make. You use ideas to generate action. Now your ideas have value because you can do something with them.

Idea Sex

  • A funny thing will start to happen after you do this for a while your ideas will start to have ideas about your other ideas (idea sex). You will combine ideas and they will create idea babies. Some of these babies will be magical. Life-altering, if you practice you will see for yourself. A kindergarten of new opportunities will unfold for you. Things that you never thought possible. You just have to commit daily to 10 ideas.

One final thought, you have to think of your idea generation muscle as underdeveloped in the beginning. You have to give it time to start to grow and get better so don’t expect too much in the beginning. You have to take your idea muscle to the gym at the start. Thereafter you will… well you’ll see…


