I have a saying I often repeat to myself. “New day, New chances”.

This basically means when I wake up I have a new day with a blank slate, and an opportunity to craft the day how I want. That’s how change is made, crafting one new day at a time until the accumulation of those days turns into something new. We will get back to that in a bit…

If you have ever gone to a new school, new job, new place, new city or new country you will if you have observed if you taken the time to notice that you go there with a blank slate.

People will quickly try and categorise, box you and put a label on you (whether they know it or not it is simply to categorise you as safe or unsafe).

For you, in that moment before the label is cast, before people find out who you are, it gives you a unique opportunity. It allows you to be anything or anyone you want. More importantly, those people who meet you if you act in the way you would if you were that thing will buy into your frame. They don’t know any different. They take from you the cues that you give them. They accept that as real.

This presents you with an interesting idea.

The idea is that your identity is not fixed, at least to people who do not know you. Those who do will struggle to reshape their worldview of you just because they have already done the boxing, categorising and labelling.

This as a side note is why if you want to get out of a rut then the easiest way to do that is to radically change your environment.

Anyway, back to the point… There is a sentence I like that says…

The world will stand aside for the judgements you place on yourself

The more you change your days, the more you change your identity in line with the person you want to be, the more people will start to accept the judgements you place on yourself. The people who know you the longest will be the slowest in accepting this, but the ones who are new to you will automatically accept that frame because you accepted it first.

Who you are right now is not fixed, who people see you as right now is not fixed.

If you decide that you are a bold, confident, successful, dynamic legend of a human being and hold that in your mind as a judgement you place on yourself with conviction and consistency. Then sooner or later people will stand aside and accept it too.

Cogito, hoc sum, sic sum! I think I am this, so I am this... 

You are not fixed by the judgements of others only the judgements you place on yourself. That idea is soothing, it is powerful and it’s magical. Now go judge yourself wisely.

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.

Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.









