Today was the day I decided to stop my writing streak. I have done a year’s worth of articles in 52 days. That is not so bad.

As much as I was not scraping the barrel for stuff to write about. I was finding it more difficult to write about the things that were on top of my mind and things that I had strong opinions on. After all, those were the things I wrote about first.

Still, on my old laptop, I had a sticker that said “Writers Write”. So if follows if I consider myself to be a writer I should in fact write something.


So here is a question… How do you write when you have no enthusiasm or passion or subject to write about? After all, they are what you need or so the “writers” tell us. Right?

I’ve been obsessed with the idea of getting my brain to do the things I want it to do when it does not want to do those things. Either through mood, energy, lack of focus or the countless other things that stand in your way slow you down or stop you.

After reading between 6-8 thousand books on philosophy psychology on self-improvement and human performance and countless other genres. From picking the brains of friends, family, business owners, entrepreneurs, wise mentors and experts I have found an answer.

Here is the secret to always get done what needs to be done so you don’t live a life of regret and you live a life of glory.


This one secret will put you head and shoulders above everyone else, it will put you on the golden path to glory. It will allow you to enjoy the heady heights of those who go the extra mile. In summary, it will give you all you ever want and more.


So if you are a person who knows that they are capable of great things, and for that matter deserves more you are in the right place.

By the time you finish reading this, you will have the key secret to getting things done even when you don’t feel like doing them.


Normally it is at this point I would tell you about my credentials for being able to reveal this secret… the books I’ve read, the bestsellers I have written, the consulting clients I have worked with, the transformations I have helped create for the owners and themselves. My own business success. But I am not going to do that. You are here for secrets, so secrets are what you are going to get.

So strap yourself in here it is “The Big Secret” the one the gurus don’t want you to know…


Just put one foot in front of the next.

That's it.


Take the smallest possible action you can take to create some momentum and just keep moving until you have finished. No matter what that voice in your head says “I’m not in the mood” just ignore it and do something.

The voice in my head said 52 is enough articles, you are not in the mood anyway, you have other things to work on. Yet here is the article, the proof in the pudding. This is a giant F U to that voice in my head.

I just wrote one word after another until we got here. That’s the secret. Just put one foot in front of the next…

Eventually, you will get where you want to go.

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.


Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.




