Follow your passion and you will never work a day in your life…Hogwash, Total and utter Hogwash!


There are many problems I have with the idea of following your passion least of all is finding your passion in the first place. Look around the world and you will see this one deniable fact. Passion is thin on the ground.

There is an error in how passion is created. Most people retrofit passion after it is experienced. Certain things need to arise before passion waves its head above the parapets.

Fear not, by the time you finish reading this, you will have a deliberate process for finding a passion/your passion.


Brief interlude. During covid using this technique I found I had a passion for the Rubiks Cube. I had never solved one prior. Since then I have broken 5 of the old Rubik Cube world record times. Not the new ones granted no chance of that. Cubing is a young person’s sport, and I am no spring chicken and still, I do things that impress even me.


Enough about me let’s find you some passion. Here is how you go about it.


  1. The List
  • Make a comprehensive list of anything you have ever wanted to learn, try, indulge in, test or otherwise have a go at. Get everything out of you and onto paper. Don’t leave anything off.
  1. Organise The List
  • Pick the first 3 to 5 things that you think you would like to try first.
  1. Throw Some Sh*t At The Wall
  • Give that thing the proverbial college try. Pour some energy into it and see what happens.
  1. Fascination & Stickability
  • You are looking for a fascination with this new thing and also a willingness to dive deep into it. You want to see if there is zero effort to sticking with it.
  1. Mastery
  • If you meet all the proceeding criteria you follow the rabbit hole all the way down until you develop some degree of mastery of the thing.
  1. The Formula
  • Fascination + Mastery + Time = Passion. That’s it. That’s how you get it. Don’t let anyone try to tell you differently. Anyone who does is trying to sell you something.


Now go find yours.