I have a question… How many times have you had a great idea and done nothing with it? Let me ask you another… What has the failure to implement that  idea cost you?

It’s an interesting idea right? The real cost of inaction. The value of an idea.

So let’s talk about that.

If you are lucky you get great ideas all the time. If you are unlucky then you get one every once in a blue moon. Ideas and insights can change your life. They can be the apple on the tree to a starving man.

The thing is if you are like most people the ideas come, the briefly register on your radar and they disappear like the morning dew. The apple does not get plucked and the starving man dies.

This is why many people think ideas have no value. That the real game is in implementation. To some degree those people may be right. But you can’t implement, without something to implement.

So there are clearly at least two sides of the equation. Ideas and implementation.

Even then the problem with ideas and there implementation. You have no idea if that idea has validity until it is tested. Because of this many people are slow in testing new ideas, because there is a risk involved. Any new idea that you test has some inherent risk in it. The risk of failure. That is the nature of trying something new, it may not work out.

You will also notice there is a problem with slow implementation. If you have ever left an idea for too long you will notice that they can go cold. The enthusiasm and passion to get them completed drains from you as the power of the idea diminishes over time.

So what is the solution?

We need to add a third part to our equation and that is speed.

The quicker we implement the idea the better chance it stands of making a difference.

I created a formula to teach to my clients. I call it.

I I on I & I  (Immediate Implementation on Ideas & insights)

The formula is magic. It ensures that your ideas and insights will always get created and created fast.

You have a new idea or insight, you ask yourself “What can I do immediately to start to implement it?”.

Then you take that action, and keep taking it until the implementation is complete.

If you do this consistently magic can and will happen. Ideas will come to fruition, you will create forward momentum and growth. Even when they don’t you will fail quickly make adjustments as necessary to improve the idea or if no improvement is possible, you will be able to move on quickly to the next idea.

You will never have to worry about the cost of delay or idea death because you will KNOW if it works or not. Nothing will be left unknown. The quicker you go through the cycle of

Idea – Implementation – adjustment – Idea

The fast your business will improve.

If you don’t use the formula the magic will often like the apple die on the tree.

So adopt I I on I & I in all areas of your business and your life and watch the magic happen.