Have you ever had one of those moments where how you perform could change the course of your life?

These moments turn up in our lives from time to time. Often we don’t know when. When they happen we want to be on point and at peak.

So if you want to be all set for when these points of impact arrive then read on.

By the time you finish this, you will be ready to take on the world and win.

The Big Game Mindset

This is important! Everything is preparation for the big game. Most people forget this, including me. The big game is any crucial moment you face—moments of impact, crossroads, pivot points, or moments of leverage that can steer your life in a new direction toward a bigger, brighter, and better future.

What is the Big Game?

The big game can happen in any area of your life:

  • Business opportunities
  • Auditions
  • Interviews
  • Sales situations
  • New relationships
  • Countless other scenarios

The extent of your performance can dramatically affect your life moving forward.

The Common Misconception

People often think:

  • They’ll perform their best when the right opportunity or moment arrives.
  • “I’ll work hard when it really matters.”
  • “If I were paid more, I’d work harder.”

But this attitude leads to procrastination and a lack of preparation. It’s like saying, “I’ll start training once I get to the Olympics.” It doesn’t work that way.

The Importance of Preparation

People want the applause before the performance. They think the hard work doesn’t matter now. But in life, we only get so many big game moments where we need to perform at our very best. Most of us face these moments unprepared because we think everything leading up to them is unimportant. This is not true we need to be always training always ready for the moment when the big game arrives.

Everything you do counts:

  • Every book you’ve read
  • Every podcast you’ve listened to
  • Every piece of good advice you’ve taken
  • Every insight you’ve learned from
  • Every sales call you’ve made
  • Every person you’ve communicated with
  • Every hour of hard work
  • Every introduction you’ve made
  • Every extra mile you’ve gone
  • Every little sacrifice

Practice Hard Now

When the right opportunity, job, role, relationship, or big game moment arrives:

  • You will perform because your game muscle is already strong.
  • You’ll hit the ground running, not have a standing start.

The Power of Preparation

A funny thing happens when you take this “big game” approach to life. The opportunity to play in the big game tends to arrive quicker! It’s as if the universe sees you’re ready and offers up the chance to play.

Final Thought

Whatever it is you want from life, practice for those moments. When your big game moment comes, you’ll be ready. Are you prepared to seize it?


