I am the worst kind of communicator, well in my natural state…

You see there are four levels of communication and more often than not I default to the lowest level.

In the novel “The Wise Man’s Fear” one of the characters suggests that it is stupid to say 10 words when one word will do. There is something to be said for word efficiency. In fact word efficiency is my default. Sometimes, it’s too efficient. (My text messages often border on rude, that is how efficient they are.)

The thing is not all communication is created equally.

So I have a quick process to differentiate the Four Levels of Communication.

These levels are a simple heuristic for anyone who communicates. So everyone.

By the time you finish reading this, you will have an understanding of what they are, and how they should be used.

I should point out as I say my default is the lowest level of communication, so it is not native to me to switch to the higher levels. Often I have to deliberately rise up these levels when I write or present or pitch or teach. So the levels become a conscious act.


Level 1 Exchange

  • This as I have mentioned is the lowest level this is the level where you are just passing on information. It is often robotic in nature. All that happens is that data is swapped. I provide just enough information to be clear.

Level 2 Connect

  • This takes all of level one and adds an emotional quality to it. This is where I start to care about you and look for understanding. I start to take an interestest in the topic or topics that you are interested in, and also an interest in you personally. I ask about your hopes, your dreams your pains and your problems. I am interested in you. (This is where most of our communications take place).

Level 3 Motivate

  • Here I add fuel to our connection. I add energy and more than a little bit of persuasion. Motivation is a level that is designed not just for us to connect but to create movement. It provides a starting force that takes you from a static environment to one that is action-taking. I tell you how great you are how capable, how you have the ability and skill to do and be anything. I tell you how beautiful you are inside and out. That you can do anything you put your mind to. I encourage you to be the best version of yourself that you can be.

Level 4 Inspire.

  • This takes the focus away from the persuasive nature of motivation and instead fills you with confidence, with energy, with enthusiasm, with for that matter life. Inspire literally means to breathe life into something. I ignite in you the best version of yourself, I allow you to believe in yourself, to have confidence that you are powerful beyond measure. I assure you that you are capable of glory and that success is already within your grasp. It is yours for the taking.


