Ever wondered why some people seem to grow and improve at lightning speed while others stagnate? The answer lies in one powerful principle which we will talk about shortly.

Falling Short in Stressful Situations

In high-stress situations, you don’t rise to the occasion—you fall to the level of your training. This is why many people underperform when it matters most. They haven’t deliberately set a minimum level of performance for themselves. So when the point of impact comes they fall short.

The Cost of Low Standards

Low standards lead to inconsistent performance and slow growth. Imagine trying to excel in a crucial business meeting, an important exam, or a significant life event without proper preparation. You falter. You miss opportunities. The cycle of mediocrity continues.

The Standard-Setting Cycle

Let’s break down how to set and continuously raise your standards to ensure fast, consistent growth.

Step 1: Assess Where You Are

Before you can improve, you need to know your starting point. Take an honest look at your current skills, habits, and performance levels. This isn’t about self-criticism; it’s about self-awareness.

  • Action: Make a list of your strengths and weaknesses. Be specific. Identify areas where you’re consistently falling short.

Step 2: Draw the Line

Decide on a baseline standard that you will never fall below. This is your new minimum level of acceptable performance.

  • Action: Choose one area to focus on first. Set a clear, achievable standard. For example, if you want to improve your fitness, commit to never missing more than one workout per week. In business, it could be committing to one cold outreach a day. The point is to commit to something you will never fall below. This is a line-in-the-sand decision.

Step 3: Raise Your Standards

Once you’ve set your baseline, it’s time to push beyond it. Aim higher. Challenge yourself to improve steadily.

  • Action: Set incremental goals. If your current standard is to exercise once a week maybe you raise it to three. Gradually increase the difficulty and frequency.

Step 4: Reach Your New Standards

Work diligently to meet the new standards you’ve set. This is where the discipline and consistency come into play.

  • Action: Track your progress. Use a journal or an app to monitor your performance. Celebrate small victories along the way.

Step 5: Repeat the Cycle

Once you’ve consistently met your new standards, it’s time to raise them again. This cycle of continuous improvement ensures that you’re always growing.

  • Action: Review your standards every month. Adjust and set new goals to keep pushing forward.

Transforming Your Performance

Growth isn’t a destination—it’s a journey. By continuously setting and raising your standards, you ensure that you’re always moving forward, and always improving.

The standards you set for yourself are your commitment to you. To who you want to be, to who you know you should and can be. Set them wisely and keep your word to yourself. If you do, if you really really commit… To quote Bukowski “You will be alone with the gods and your nights will flame with fire.”

Are you ready to elevate your standards and transform your life? The choice is yours. Start now.

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.

Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.

