Oh No!!! I Have to do that…

By |2024-04-30T06:55:31+00:00April 29th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology|

Someone once said to me that you can ask me to do something but you can't tell me to do something. So when I am told I have to do something there is a cog in the back of my mind that locks into place and says nope! The funny thing is often I am the [...]

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Why Only An Idiot Plays To Win!

By |2024-04-30T06:58:08+00:00April 29th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity|

I am ruthlessly competitive. Growing up I was taught by my father that if you came second you were a loser. Didn't matter if you tried your best, it was a victory or nothing that was sought. I once pretended to trip and fall in a race just as my legs were giving out so as [...]

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The Best Version Of You Is In A Parallel Universe!

By |2024-04-30T06:56:00+00:00April 29th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity|

If you stare deeply into the mirror of your soul and you are ruthlessly honest with yourself you know that there is a much better version of yourself waiting to exist. A you who is all that you could be. A you who has all the things you always wanted. Does the things you always wanted [...]

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The Secret Cure To Achieving Business Freedom

By |2024-04-30T06:56:54+00:00April 29th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity|

If you are a business owner the big dream, somewhere in the back of your mind is to have it purr like a kitten while it churns out ungodly amounts of cash, with you sipping margaritas on the beach. Am I right?   If you adopt a simple idea this might not be as far-fetched and [...]

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The Ultimate Guide To Rapid Momentum

By |2024-04-29T06:48:14+00:00April 29th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity|

Most productivity advice Sucks! Experts tell you to do this and do that. They tell you about lists, habits, strategies, apps, software and systems. They tell you that each one will make you 10, 20, 50, 100, 500% more productive. Jeez, if that were true by now after following all that advice i should be at [...]

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