How To Not Dilute The Power Of Your Goals

By |2024-06-12T07:06:44+00:00June 12th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Tell the world what you are going to do but first show it. Truth be told. I could stop this article right there. With that one sentence. But well I am going to try and fill it out a bit.   I believe in vision and goals. Everyone should in some part know where they are [...]

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Lone Wolf Beware: Do You Know The Pitfalls of Going Solo?

By |2024-06-11T07:27:43+00:00June 11th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Self Improvement|

In the movie "About a Boy" Someone says to the Hugh Grant character "No man is an island" quoting the line from the now legendary poem For Whom The Bell Tolls by John Donne. Will (Hugh Grant) says "I'm an island, I am f*cking Ibiza". For much of the early part of my life, I was [...]

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How To Get People To Treat You Like A Legend!!!

By |2024-06-10T08:07:00+00:00June 10th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

I have a saying I often repeat to myself. "New day, New chances". This basically means when I wake up I have a new day with a blank slate, and an opportunity to craft the day how I want. That's how change is made, crafting one new day at a time until the accumulation of those [...]

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A Simple Step That Makes Advice Giving, Feedback & Criticism Easier…

By |2024-06-09T08:33:22+00:00June 9th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

With your permission, I would like to show you something. Have you ever noticed this about advice? Giving advice is easy. Taking advice is hard. Taking your own advice is harder still. Why is that? Surely taking your own advice should be the easiest thing in the world. You know you have your best interests at [...]

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Knowledge Gaps: How Assuming Others Understand Can Fail You!

By |2024-06-08T08:16:13+00:00June 8th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Most people don't know what you know. If you are reading this I automatically assume you know the things I know. You see there is a certain sort of person who reads articles that help them grow, to improve and to evolve. The average everyday person is happy with the status quo. So I automatically think [...]

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Guard Your Growth: Stop Nurturing the Habits You Don’t Want

By |2024-06-07T08:37:09+00:00June 7th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

We are told that the key to achieving your goals is adopting more positive habits. To some extent that might be true. In my experience, it is more about eliminating the negative practices that steer you off course. Before you can practice what you want to become, you must stop practising what you don't want to [...]

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How To Navigating the Hierarchy of Information: From Data to Wisdom!

By |2024-06-06T08:51:08+00:00June 6th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Self Improvement|

Not all information is created equally. Just as there are levels in communication there are levels in information. We are constantly bombarded with vast amounts of data. Navigating this avalanche of information and transforming it into actionable wisdom is crucial for personal and professional growth but more importantly our own sanity. . The hierarchy of information [...]

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What An Editing Room & Michelangelo Can Teach You About Success!

By |2024-06-05T07:21:28+00:00June 5th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Do you see yourself as complete? If you are anything like me the answer is no. Here's why... Your character isn't a finished product; it's continuously shaped by the choices you make every day. So viewing your life as an ongoing process of improvement helps you focus on deliberate actions that refine and enhance your character. [...]

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The 4-Step Process To Learn Anything (Like A Genius)

By |2024-06-04T08:01:35+00:00June 4th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

I am a natural dabbler. My native style is to learn just enough to be dangerous. I often arrive at unconscious competence too soon, having missed some steps. That said I do love to learn and iterate and eventually I get there. Usually, through hard reps or time spent knuckling down. There is obviously a better [...]

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Snap Judgements: How to Make Smart, Swift Decisions Every Time

By |2024-06-03T07:54:50+00:00June 3rd, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Decision fatigue is real In this modern world more than any other time in history we are all faced with having to make countless decisions. Some are not so important, and some have consequences life-changingly so. I've been weirdly obsessed with the decision-making process. More specifically making good ones. Well, that's not true. I really care [...]

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