
When It Comes To Happiness, Setting A High Bar Is So Very Very Dumb!

By |Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Let's face it you have a desperate need to feel happy, we all do...  Before I speak further on that I am going to tell you a quick story. For 3 months I had been [...]

Destroy Your Negative Thoughts & Feelings With This Simple Tool…

By |Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

rudge. There is a method however that can get you past pretty much any negative feeling faster than a goldfish on speed.   This method quickly takes a lightsabre to our negative feelings to reduce [...]

You, Turning Up, On Fire, At Peak Always… An Idea For Deliberate High Performance.

By |Busineess Growth, Creative, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Imagine there was a way that when you needed it most, in those moments of high impact you turned up as the very best version of yourself. None of us are firing on all four [...]

Why Your Vision & The Goals You Set Will FAIL… And How To Fix Them!

By |Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Tell me if you know this story... You ask someone what they want. Then they proceed to tell you everything that they don't want. They don't want this, they don't want that, they don't want [...]

Why Most “Big Ideas” Fail & How To Fix Them…

By |Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Most people who fail to succeed do so because they neglect to grasp one key concept. They come up with a brilliant idea or plan, they try it, it doesn't work they give up. This [...]

Want To Be Smarter? This Is Worth An Extra 25 IQ points To You!

By |Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

I believe in strategy, tactics, habits and hacks. There are things that if done make your passage through the world a little bit easier. They make you a little bit more productive. They allow you [...]

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