
Maximising The Maximus Model: What Gladiator Can Teach About Self-Actualization.

By |Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

I believe in role models. The idea that there is someone out there that I can look up to and maybe align my life with, in order to be just a little bit more like [...]

How To Make Yourself Immune To Criticism & Judgment Of Others…

By |Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Let's talk about Judgement. Specifically the judgement of others and of how we negatively treat ourselves. There is a saying that goes like this the only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, say [...]

If I Had A Time Machine This Is The Advice I Would Give My Younger Self…

By |Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

If I could go back in time and give my younger self any advice it would be this... Avoid alcohol like the plague. If you are going to drink the stuff do it on special [...]

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