I believe in the dynamic power of questions.

The quality of the questions we ask ourselves often determines a dozen different things. Our mood, our actions, the responses we get from ourselves and others. Some questions move us forward, some set us back.

Let’s give a quick example to make our point.

The groceries fall out of the bottom of your shopping bag.

Hey, it’s a situation we have all come across either ourselves or at least in observation. Person 1 asks “Why does this always happen to me?” Person 2 asks “What can I learn from this?” Same situation, with two different mental states.

The quality of your question has power.

There is one question (it is actually a series of the same question really) that stands head and shoulders above the rest.

So if you are ready to up your quality questions game then this is for you. By the end of this article, you will be armed with the question equivalent of the Tzar Bomba. Every time I ask and implement the question I get a little bit better, and the same will happen for you.

So what is this all-powerful question???


How can I increase my competency?

Yeah, on the surface it does not feel that powerful. It is deceptive because we want to dismiss it. That probably just happened to you. Hold on there a second and really sit with it. Pick a thing you are trying to get better at and instead of asking why you are failing. Ask the question… How can I increase my Competency? Keep pressing for answers. They will come forth.

The possibility for improvement

With those answers, you ignite the desire to learn and you have at least a few ideas to move you forward. You have a process to upgrade yourself in any and all situations.

The Competent Series Of Questions

As I have mentioned this question actually comes in a series, each one gives a little more clarity than the last. Here they are…

  • How competent am I now?
  • How competent do I want/need to be?
  • How can I increase my competence to reach that level?

The first question provides clarity on where you are right now. The second gives you the goal, the destination or the endpoint. The third gives you a strategy to get there. Those are the only three things you need to make any journey… A starting point, A destination point, a strategy.

Now go conquer the world.