Foolishly most struggling businesses chase the new new tactic when trying to fix lead flow to their business. Oh, look it is another shiny object, maybe that’ll work. That gizmo, that gadget, that whatchamacallit, that new platform or software or one of the myriad things that don’t fix the fundamental problem of lead flow.

So here is what we are going to do we are going to present an idea once understood. An idea that will give you a high-level view of how to fix lead flow once and for all. Granted thereafter you might have to do a little thinking for your self but surely that’s a small price to pay.

So if you are a business owner, entrepreneur or other person in need of a fresh vein of leads let’s begin.

I promise you if you learn this lesson and learn it well… You will never run out of leads

Will it work for me, and my unique business I hear you ask. Well, that is the beauty of the Universal principle, they work for anyone anywhere.

The 1st Golden Rule of Lead Flow: The Right Message

In the beginning, everyone gets this wrong. They tell everyone how amazing they are they say their product or service is amazing, the best there has ever been. phfft. If you walked into a bar saying you were the greatest person to ever live people would laugh at you. Yet we do it in business and wonder why we are ignored.

So what should your message say? Well to solve this we first put ourselves firmly in our customer’s shoes. Then we ask ourselves, “What is their pain, problem or desire?” When we have an answer to that we craft our message that offers our solution to that all the while speaking to their pain their problem their desire. Simple!

The 1st Golden Rule of Lead Flow: The Right Person

The message is sorted now who gets the message? The answer is simple. The person who has the pain problem or desire and is capable and able to make a buying decision.

Think about that for a second. there are a few things we need to note. They have a PPD, they have the capability of making the decision (no use in speaking to someone who doesn’t), and they have money to spend. All three have to be in place to conduct a transaction.

The 1st Golden Rule of Lead Flow: The Right Place

ok, you have the message, to the right person but they need to see it right? Your message that is. So where do you put your message? You figure out the first place your person’s eyes or ears go to when they have a PPD and put your message there.

Great, but where is this place I hear you cry? Well, you have a few ways to find out. You test different places, you figure out where you would go if you were your customer, or you just simply ask them.

The 1st Golden Rule of Lead Flow: The Right

So when do you show them your message? The obvious answer is that you show them as they begin the process of making a buying decision all the way up to the moment they make it. There is an art to this, but if you have made it this far you are probably clever enough to figure that out all by your lonesome.


So there you have it. A principled approach to neverending leads.