Life isn’t something you build once and leave alone.

Most of us think in terms of the “when that thing is done everything will be perfect” mentality.

I’m afraid to say that is not how life works. Life is not a fix it and it is done type of game. It’s more like a campfire – you have to tend to it daily or it will eventually go out. I like the campfire metaphor. So with that in mind we will continue.

Here’s how to keep your life burning brightly every single day.

Start with a Strong Foundation

Building a good life starts with a strong foundation, just like starting a campfire with the right materials. Get the basics right. Before you start the fire you have to have a good place to build it. For us this means. We look after these two things.

1. Our Physical Health. – In an ideal world you would be flexible, agile, lean and strong. If you are not you should be taking steps to move in that direction.

2. Our Mental Health – In an ideal world we would be systematically removing the clutter, baggage, hangups, people and problems that do not make our lives better, or damage our pursuit of better.

Add Fuel Regularly

A campfire needs regular additions of wood to keep burning. Similarly, your life needs consistent effort and new experiences.

  • Learning: The Japanese have a word Kaizen look it up.
  • Adventure: Tony Robbins says one of the 6 basic human needs is Uncertainty/variety make sure you’re getting yours.
  • Purpose: Set and pursue new “worthwhile” goals. Goals that give you significance and contribution to the world at large.

Tend to the Fire

You can’t just add fuel and walk away. You need to tend to the fire, adjusting and moving the logs to ensure an even burn. Life requires the same kind of attention.

  • Health: Adjust your diet and exercise routine as needed. If you feel tired or bored, try a new workout.
  • Relationships: Make time for loved ones and address conflicts promptly. Have regular date nights or family dinners. Never treat the people who are important to you like an afterthought.
  • Career: A job should serve you and who you are. Who you are trying to become. Yes it might give you some warmth and pay your bills but don’t let it rule you.

Protect it from the Elements

A campfire can be easily extinguished by wind or rain. Protecting it ensures it keeps burning. In life, shield your goals and dreams from negative influences.

  • Mindset: If you don’t have a deliberate daily practice that elevates your thinking and mood. Your emotions are open to the elements. Protect your mind like your fire.
  • Environment: Surround yourself often with people who inspire and uplift you. Limit the time with those who don’t.
  • Focus: Avoid distractions that take you away from your vision. If part of your day is not spent moving you towards something brighter you are distracted. Be ruthless in your managing of your time.

Enjoy the Warmth

Finally, enjoy the warmth of your campfire. Take time to appreciate the fruits of your labour and the beauty of the life you’ve built.

  • Gratitude: Keep a journal of things you’re thankful for. Write down three things each night.
    • Celebration: Celebrate your achievements, big or small. Remind yourself of these OFTEN. Treat yourself to something special when you reach a milestone. Reward your victories, so you go after more.
  • Relaxation: Take breaks and allow yourself to enjoy life. Schedule downtime to recharge. Sharpen your saw.

By following these steps, you can keep your life vibrant and fulfilling. Keep tending to your campfire, and watch your life burn brightly.


Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.


Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.




