If I could go back in time and give my younger self any advice it would be this…

Avoid alcohol like the plague.

If you are going to drink the stuff do it on special occasions. Limit yourself to maybe once or twice a month.

I don’t say this because I am anti-alcohol.

I love a pint with my mates, there are few things better than a G&T in the sun and having a bottle of Chang to watch a sunset in Thailand is one of life’s simple great pleasures.

So why this of all advice?

Simple not drinking is a Superpower.

As it happens I was out drinking last night for a friend’s birthday. My mind today is like mush. I can barely string a sentence together. Worse still, I am not even motivated or for that matter desirous to string a sentence together.

Alcohol has stripped me of that.

Few things are as valuable as a clear sharp mind and a body full of energy. Alcohol robs you of both.

The thing is I grew up in Wales where drinking culture is second nature, where my local pub was my second home. So the amount of time I spent under the influence or recovering from the consumption of alcohol is considerable. I wonder how much of the best of me was lost to this. Who knows.

I imagine more than too much.

So If anyone has a time machine they want to lend me I will happily tell my younger self to go sparingly.

Alcohol of all the chemicals that alter state can seem the most harmless, but who can see what is lost when the results of consuming are not catastrophic but the quiet robbing of performance over time?

Answers on a postcard…

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.

Thank you for reading.

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