If there is one “Law of Power” that stands head and shoulders higher than the rest at least for me it is Law 10.

Law 10 is presented as… Infection: Avoid the unhappy and unlucky

There is a lot to say about just how useful that is. This is not going to be that This is going to be an antidote.

In contrast to avoiding the unhappy and unlucky to prevent being dragged down by their misfortune, we can explore an alternative. That is to say the deliberate intention to gather to yourself only positive people.

Why Happy People?

Positive and happy people can elevate your life, infusing you with joy, optimism, and resilience. By consciously choosing to surround yourself with uplifting individuals, you create an environment that fosters growth, happiness, and success.

The Power of Positivity

Just as misery can be contagious, so can happiness and positivity. The emotional states of those around you can influence your mood, behaviour, and outlook on life. You know what it feels like to walk into a room or go to a concert or stadium and feel the energy in the place. So it is with people.

Robert Greene was right when he talked about infection because positivity breeds positivity. It transfers from one person to the next. So surrounding yourself with happy, optimistic individuals literally infects you with happiness.

Getting Yourself Infected

Positive interactions can significantly boost your own happiness levels, leading to better mental and physical health, improved relationships, and greater success in your personal and professional life.

  • Identify Positive Influences: Make a list of friends, family, and colleagues who are generally happy and positive, or who make you feel great when you are around them.
  • Prioritise Time with Them: Make an effort to spend more time with these individuals, whether in person or virtually. When you can, gather them together in groups, the more is literally the merrier.
  • Engage in Positive Activities: Participate in activities that foster joy and optimism, such as lunches, coffee mornings, hobbies, sports, or community service. When you are together you will be “Together”.

Happiness is not only a personal journey but a shared experience.

Positive relationships can amplify not just your own happiness.

  • Practice Gratitude: Regularly express gratitude to those who uplift you. Tell them how important they are to you and your life. Everyone loves to feel significant to others.
  • Share Your Joy: Share your positive experiences and achievements with them. Uplift them.
  • Support Each Other: Be a source of positivity and support for your friends and loved ones. So they want to love and support you back.

Creating a Positive Environment

A positive environment is also great for your creativity, productivity, and personal growth. It provides the support and encouragement needed to tackle challenges and pursue goals. It removes blocks and bottlenecks and allows you to always be at your best.

  • Curate Your Surroundings: Decorate your space with uplifting images, quotes, and objects that inspire happiness or remind you of you at your best.
  • Encourage Positivity: Promote a positive culture at home and work by encouraging kindness, respect, and constructive feedback.
  • Limit Negative Influences: Reduce exposure to negative media, gossip, and other sources of negativity. Deliberately weed out those who would try and drain you.

Surrounding yourself with positive and happy people is a powerful strategy to enhance your own happiness, resilience, and success. You infect yourself with greatness and in turn do that for the people around you.

Take a moment today to identify the positive influences in your life. Reach out to them, express your gratitude, and make plans to spend more time together. Actively curate your environment to reflect positivity and support. Create a network of happiness and success!

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.

Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.






