Tell the world what you are going to do but first show it.

Truth be told. I could stop this article right there. With that one sentence.

But well I am going to try and fill it out a bit.


I believe in vision and goals. Everyone should in some part know where they are going or at least have a direction they are heading.

Too many of us drift along in life like flotsam and jetsam. So having a list of goals or a vision helps.

Often telling people what you are trying to achieve allows you to get them on board. It also keeps you accountable.

However, there is a funny thing that happens when you release your dreams into the world. Sometimes they dissipate. The revealing of them dilutes the power they have.

If you keep them inside it is as if you are concentrating that energy all in one place.


So here is the rule: Before you tell people about your vision or goals… Make sure they have sufficient momentum behind them so that they can’t be stopped. You want people to encourage your dreams only after they see that you are well on your way to achieving them.


To quote Forrest Gump… That is all I have to say on the matter.


Tell the world what you are going to do but first show it…


Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.


Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.






