We are told that the key to achieving your goals is adopting more positive habits.

To some extent that might be true. In my experience, it is more about eliminating the negative practices that steer you off course. Before you can practice what you want to become, you must stop practising what you don’t want to become.

Don’t Practice What You Don’t Want to Become

This principle emphasizes the importance of awareness and intentionality in your daily actions. Every bad habit or negative action can undermine the positive progress you strive for.

  • Your actions shape your identity. So a key lesson is to avoid behaviors that do not align with the person you want to become.
  • A few bad actions will do more to take you off track than any good actions you take to offset them.

Do Not Punish That Which You Want to Happen

This counterpoint suggests that we should encourage and nurture the positive things in our lives, even if they aren’t perfect.

  • Celebrate progress, even when it’s not perfect. Avoid criticizing efforts that move you in the right direction.

Identify and Eliminate Negative Practices

Most people know what good habits look like, but few take the time to identify the practices that derail their progress. Here’s how you can systematically remove these negative influences:

  • Ask Yourself: What do I do that moves me away from becoming who I want to be?
  • List These Actions: Write down all the habits, actions, or people that detract from your goals.
  • Systematically Remove Them: Develop a plan to eliminate these negative influences from your life.

Examples of Negative Practices

  • Time Wasters: YouTube, excessive TV binge-watching, unnecessary social media scrolling.
  • Energy Drainers: Negative friends, complainers, engaging in unnecessary drama or politics.
  • Health Saboteurs: Poor dietary choices, excessive alcohol, hitting the snooze button repeatedly.

Actionable Steps

  1. Identify the Qualities You Admire and Want to Develop
    • Make a list of traits you respect and aspire to embody.
    • Examples: Integrity, discipline, empathy, resilience.
  2. Make Daily Decisions That Align with These Qualities
    • Ensure your actions reflect the character traits you wish to develop.
    • Example: If you value honesty, practice transparency in all your interactions.
  3. Reflect on Your Actions Regularly
    • Set aside time weekly to review your actions and ensure they align with your character goals.
    • Adjust your behaviours based on this reflection.

You are the Surgeon

Your life is like an operating room where you systematically cut out that which is rotten or bad. By deliberately removing negative practices and nurturing positive actions, you can sculpt the best version of yourself.

One Small Improvement

Take a moment today to identify one negative practice that steers you off your path. Commit to eliminating it from your life. Share your journey with a friend or mentor to stay accountable. Let’s refine our lives and become the best versions of ourselves together!

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.

Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.







