Do you see yourself as complete?

If you are anything like me the answer is no. Here’s why…

Your character isn’t a finished product; it’s continuously shaped by the choices you make every day. So viewing your life as an ongoing process of improvement helps you focus on deliberate actions that refine and enhance your character.

The Editing Room of Life

In the grand narrative of our lives, we aren’t just passive characters following a script. Instead, we are the editors, making critical decisions that shape our story. Each choice we make is like an edit that defines the final cut of our life’s movie.

  • Just like a movie editor works tirelessly to piece together the perfect scenes, we must actively choose the qualities we want to embody.
  • Our daily decisions, much like each frame in a film, contribute to the overall character we present to the world.
  • Reflecting on these choices regularly allows us to refine our “movie,” ensuring that it aligns with our goals and values.

Michelangelo Not David

Building character is akin to chiselling a sculpture. It requires consistent effort and careful refinement.

  • Character development is not a one-time event we are not the finished statue, but a continuous process of making deliberate choices on what bits we remove and refine.
  • Each decision you make is like a stroke of the chisel, gradually shaping your inner sculpture.
  • The qualities you admire and aspire to should guide your daily actions, just as Michelangelo envisioned the final statue of David in a block of marble before he began chip chip chipping away so should you know what the end result of your finished statue looks like.

To shape your character effectively, you need a clear vision of the qualities you want to develop. These qualities serve as your guiding principles in the editing room of your life.

Here’s how you can apply this concept to shape your character:

  • Step 1: Identify Qualities: Write down the traits you admire and want to cultivate, such as integrity, empathy, or resilience.
  • Step 2: Daily Alignment: Each day, consciously make decisions that reflect these qualities. For example, if you value honesty, practice transparency in your interactions.
  • Step 3: Regular Reflection: Set aside time weekly to reflect on your actions. Ask yourself if they align with the character you want to build and adjust where necessary.

Remember, your life is an editing room where every choice you make shapes your character. By making deliberate, aligned decisions, you can chisel out the best version of yourself.

The Agony & The Ecstacy

In 1965 they made a movie about Michelangelo starting Charlton Heston about his life as a sculptor and him painting the Sistine chappel it is a great movie. Worth a watch. In your world, you get to be the guy who makes the movie, chooses the story, edits it, plays Michelangelo and creates his statue of David all at the same time. And that sounds pretty good to me.

Thank you for reading.

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