ost your productivity. This clears the clutter, unblocks the pipes of your mind and creates room for creativity. What is this simple process I hear you ask.

Simple! You do it by externalizing your tasks.

Creating Your Blank Slate.

Let me tell you something that is hiding in plain sight but not obvious, Your mind is great for having ideas, not holding them.

You should focus on clearing your mind, by getting what is in their out. Brain Dump all your mental clutter.

In journals, on pads or with software like Evernote or Notion. Get it all out of you, expose it to the cold light of day.

You can do this by just sitting down for an hour and emptying everything that’s on your mind. Get it all out of you and offload all of your mental load until nothing is left. Then…


Define and Organize Your Work

Once out of you identify actionable tasks and decide on the next actions. Organize tasks by context, time, and energy required. By how quickly they move you towards your vision and goals.

Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable actions. Use categories like context (e.g., home, office), time available, and energy level to organize your tasks:

  • Context: Group tasks by where you need to be or the tools you need.
  • Time: Allocate tasks based on the time you have available.
  • Energy: Match tasks to your energy levels throughout the day.

The Sacred Ritual of the Weekly Review

Regularly update and review your lists. Use a daily and weekly review to stay on track. Reflect on your achievements and upcoming tasks. Adjust your plans based on current priorities.

Make the weekly review a sacred ritual.

Also, set aside dedicated time each week to review and update your system. Ensure your mind is clear and your lists are up-to-date. This practice keeps you engaged with your tasks and prevents things from falling through the cracks.


Your Head Is Not Designed For Clutter But For Clarity!

A healthy mind is one that is functioning without clogs blocks or distractions, and the simplest way to do that is to get all the gunk out. Treat all your worries or woes or dreams or desires as mental energy vampires taking up your mental lifeblood. Flush your system of these by externalising everything. You mind and for that matter, your sanity will thank you for it.

Final Thought

Organize your thoughts externally. Regularly update your tools to keep your system current and complete. Don’t trust your thoughts and ideas to memory. Get them out of you Watch your productivity soar.

Remember: Action on insights, is the Answer.


Thank you for reading.

If you’re a business owner, entrepreneur or life hacker trying to fast-track your success drop me a follow @thesnowhow for more growth-related content. And if you enjoyed this, it would help massively if you shared or commented. Thanks again.

