There’s an idea that psychologists have long known: what we focus on expands.

The more we concentrate on something, the more it fills our world. This can work to our advantage or lead to our downfall.

Here’s how to use this notion for good and dominate your week.

The Weekly Plan

  1. Plan Your Week in Advance: Pick a day, like Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, to plan out your week. (I use Sunday).
  2. Use Your Long-Term Goals as a Compass: Ensure that your weekly tasks align with your long-term goals.
  3. Focus on What Moves You Forward: Differentiate between productive work and busy work, and prioritize the former.

By planning your week with your long-term goals in mind, you ensure that each week you’re making progress toward your bigger objectives.

The Day-End Plan

  1. Finish Today by Planning Tomorrow: Before you end your day, make a plan for the next day.
  2. Know How You Will Start Strong: Decide what tasks you’ll begin with to maximize your energy and productivity.
  3. Make a Task List and Prioritize: List your tasks in order of importance.

Planning the next day at the end of the current one ensures you start each morning with your game face on, reducing the time wasted figuring out what to do.

Begin the Day Strong

  1. Hit the Ground Running: Start your day with a clear plan and high-priority tasks.
  2. Important Tasks Before Urgent Tasks: Focus on tasks that move you forward rather than those that just feel urgent.
  3. Important Tasks Stop Urgent Tasks: Completing important tasks often reduces the number of urgent tasks.
  4. Important Tasks Move Us Forward: Prioritize tasks that contribute to your long-term goals.

By prioritizing important tasks, you make consistent progress and prevent urgent but less important tasks from taking over your day.


  1. One Task at a Time: Avoid multitasking; it’s less efficient.
  2. Deep Work: Concentrate deeply on one task for a set period.
  3. Use Pomodoro Time: Work in focused intervals, typically 25 minutes, followed by a short break.
  4. No Distractions: Turn off phones and internet unless necessary.
  5. No Interruptions: Let others know you’re not available during your focus periods.

Focusing deeply on one task at a time improves productivity and the quality of your work.

Tying It All Up

That’s the simple plan to dominate your week:

  1. The Weekly Plan
  2. The Daily Plan
  3. Begin the Day Strong
  4. Focus on One Important Task at a Time

Wise people plan their days and weeks in advance. So…
