I hate it when things don’t land properly…

Recently, a group chat with friends turned into a discussion about TV series that fail to deliver satisfying endings. It’s an oh-so-common situation these days. Anyway, one friend’s comment stuck with me: “Enjoy the journey, the destination usually sucks.” This got me thinking about life as a journey rather than a destination and another concept more on that in a sec.


Have you noticed that we are trained from an early age through stories and fairytales that life should end well?

Have you also noticed that life in general does not work that way?

Well, it doesn’t unless you know what games to play…

Finite vs. Infinite Games

There are two types of games that you should know about fintite and Infinite.

Finite games have fixed rules and definitive outcomes. Infinite games, on the other hand, are played for the sake of playing. The aim of an infinite game is to keep playing and to help others play better. This mindset fosters in us cooperation over competition, creating abundance instead of scarcity.

Just take that idea in for a moment.

Systems vs. Goals

Scott Adams has a nice idea he talks about systems, which align with the idea of infinite games, versus goals, which are finite. Systems are about ongoing processes, while goals have an endpoint. Embracing systems means focusing on continual improvement and enjoyment rather than reaching a specific endpoint.



The Germans have a word, funktionslust, which means finding joy in doing something for its own sake. This resonates deeply with me and for that matter the idea of infinite games. Doing things just because you can, out of curiosity or whimsy, brings a different kind of fulfilment. It’s about the joy of the journey rather than the pressure of the destination.

Avoiding the Slog

When I focus too much on outcomes, life for me can feel like a never-ending slog, akin to Sisyphus pushing that bloody boulder uphill. But if I treat life as an infinite game, I can shift from a win-lose mentality to one of mutual growth and enjoyment. This approach allows me to avoid disappointment when things don’t turn out as I expected. It will do the same for you.

Playing Life as an Infinite Game

Although life has a definite end, we can choose to play it as an infinite game. This means focusing on processes and systems that allow us and those around us to grow and enjoy the journey. Helping others play their game better not only enriches their lives but also enhances our own experience.

The Dance Of Life

Life as an infinite game is about enjoying the journey and helping others along the way. By focusing on systems and processes, embracing whimsy, and finding joy in the act of doing, we create a life full of meaning and fulfilment. When the game of life reaches its inevitable conclusion, the real winner is the rich, impactful journey we’ve had and the positive influence we’ve had on others along the way. So, let’s dance through life with focused whimsy, enjoying every step of the way.


