Exponential technologies are coming (AI, Robots, Rocketry, Gene-editing etc) they are going to change the world!


You have 3 options.

  1. Get run over by watching it happen.
  2. Try and Keep up.
  3. Future-Proof Yourself.

It is about option 3 we are going to discuss.


Right now we are in what Peter Diamandis calls “The deceptive phase” A few of these things have arrived but they are not really game-changing or at least for the majority of people.

They will be soon enough.

Quick Interlude: Kodak was offered the digital camera in the 1970’s they laughed at it, because it was not very good. It too was in the deceptive phase. Don’t be like Kodak.


Let’s get back to Future-proofing yourself

Standard education gives you practically none of the skills you need. It is if John Taylor Gatto was to be believed (see his books dumbing us down/weapons of mass instruction) a system to brainwash us into being employees. Nothing wrong with being an employee back in the 20th century but times they are a-changing…


Skills You Need That Will Be Useful/Valuable in the Future (Your Talent Stack).


  1. Growth Mindedness (a desire to be constantly evolving).
  2. Judgment (to figure out what kinds of environments you can thrive in and then build a system to create that environment around you so that you’re statistically likely to succeed.)
  3. The Scott Adams Stack (Public speaking, Psychology, Business writing, Accounting, Design (the basics), Conversation, Overcoming shyness, Second language, Golf, Proper grammar, Persuasion Technology (hobby level), Proper voice technique)
  4. Problem-Solving (Loving problems all of them with curiosity to fixing them)
  5. Pattern Recognition
  6. Reasoning Skills (Logic, Biases, Falasies, Steel Manning, Devil’s advocating).
  7. Idea Creation & Idea Sex (Having ideas combine or multiply)
  8. Thinking in “Quality Questions”, Seeking Many Answers.
  9. Resource Management
  10. Implementation Skills.
  11. People/Team – Build teams –  Be the Hub, gather great people to you. Seriously Giving a Crap about other people.


This list is not complete but it is a bloody good start. If you even fractionally started to improve all these you would be ahead of 99.9999% of all the people you will be competing with. In reality that will make you invaluable.