The more dynamic your life is the more complex your decisions, and the larger the costs and consequences of bad choices.


In this short article, I will give you a surefire way to always make the right decision.

This piece is for anyone in any situation where you reach a crossroads or a fork in the road

By the time you finish reading this, you will have a method that will always leave you happy with your decisions no matter the outcome.

I have used this technique for 20+ years and taught it to innumerable consulting clients and friends. Simply, because it works.

Here are the steps…

  1. Sit Down In A Quiet Place.
  • All good decisions start in a quiet and calm place so we set the scene for ourselves.
  1. Future Perfection
  • Next, we close our eyes and go into our imagination. We imagine a place and time in our future where everything has worked out, and where we are perfectly happy and content. We want to fill out this place/image/feeling as best we can. If you like sit with this place for a while.
  1. Ask/Decide.
  • Now as we are in that place of perfect happiness we ask ourselves…. “Does this decision get me closer or further away from this place?”. With practice, you will get a firm answer one way or another. If you follow that decision it will be the right one, or at least, the decision you will be most happy with.


Caveat: Using this method doesn’t always guarantee a positive outcome it would be foolish to say it could. However, like I say the decision you make will always be the right one. That should be enough in and of itself.