rudge. There is a method however that can get you past pretty much any negative feeling faster than a goldfish on speed.


This method quickly takes a lightsabre to our negative feelings to reduce them or eliminate them entirely.

So if your thoughts keep stealing away your happiness, or you find yourself dwelling on the negative or you are stuck in a mental rut you are in the right place.


By the time you finish reading this, you will have a method to pry apart the icy fingers of any and all bad thoughts and feelings that have their wicked grip on you.


I have used this simple technique to move on from bad outcomes in life and business, for grief from the passing of friends and family, and even from lost love.

It works by following these simple steps.

  1. Bring the negative thought or feeling deliberately to your consciousness.
  • You are looking to stare down on it, to bring it to the front of your mind, not the back. You will be observing it. Rather than it running you.
  1. Observe Your Body Feelings
  • Most of our negative feelings, also reside as physical symptoms. We feel the emotion in our hearts or often in our bellies. Our job is to acknowledge these and sit with them.
  1. The Questions
  • We now ask ourselves this series of questions in order.
    • Can I be OK just sitting here fully engaging with this feeling?
    • If I wanted to Could I let this thought or feeling go?
    • If I wanted to Would I let this thought or feeling go?
    • When would I like to do that?
  • Notice what comes up. Often you will get the answer to the last question “Right Now!”. The emotion or thought will fade a little or be released entirely.
  • If only a little, you can repeat the questions to slowly chip away at the feeling.


This simple set of steps shouldn’t work but it does, but like anything it takes some practice. Here is a tip. Pick a thing that has been bothering you for a while but is not controlling you. Start on that. See how you go. Then work your way up to the big stuff.

