I believe in strategy, tactics, habits and hacks.

There are things that if done make your passage through the world a little bit easier. They make you a little bit more productive. They allow you to get more done.

There are other things that make you resilient, determined and a force to be reckoned with.

Everyone in the self-improvement world has some secret method that gets them results when used, but no matter what their thing is, there is a universal glue that sticks it all together to make it work.


WHAT IS THIS “GOD GLUE” I hear you ask? Well, there is one thing that overcomes a multitude of the shortcomings we all have. In fact, some people have said this one thing can add the equivalent of 25 IQ points to the average person.

If you ever felt you lacked smarts, money, skills, talents or any of the things that make people successful here is a universal bandaid that has you covered.

So by the time you finish reading this, you will have the secret sauce that lets you smash through any barrier and take on the world.


A Gram Of Enthusiasm

  • All those things we lack can be overcome with even the smallest amount of enthusiasm. A gram of enthusiasm is worth a ton of smarts, and a ton of strategy. It is the precursor to the mustard seed of faith that moves mountains.

The God Within

  • Enthusiasm comes from the Greek word Entheos which means “The God Within”. When you ignite it within yourself you are igniting the god within yourself. With that kind of power, anything becomes possible.

The 2nd Best Fuel Source.

  • If you have not already heard “Hate is nature’s most perfect energy source, it’s. endlessly renewable, and for many people easy to mine” Second only to that is enthusiasm once you have it can fuel you for days. It makes the hard seem easy, it makes obstacles dissolve, and it makes all those shortcomings you think you have meaningless. It is the fuel that makes getting from where you are to where you want to be frictionless. This is in reality the perfect green energy.

Whatever it is you are going after in life.

Light your life on fire. Find your flow by pairing your purpose, skills, and passions with enthusiasm. Your life your journey will be faster and for that matter more fun.