The way we are taught to learn is wrong.

In the novel version of Dune it says words to the effect, the reason Paul adapted so quickly was his first lessons were how to learn so he developed his confidence in his ability to learn. Most people were never taught how to learn they were just expected to learn. So our education is flawed from the off. Especially as often different people have different learning styles.


Over the years I have experimented with numerous methods of learning. Memory systems, mnemonics, memory palaces, mind maps, second brains, peg systems, and journey systems. They all work often much better than us just expecting to pick it up as we go along.

However, the is one simple method that gives you a strong motive to learn, a better reason why, a process towards mastery and boosts your confidence all in one. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how it works.

The method comes in two parts…

  1. Learn so as you can teach it.
  2. The Rule of 33%

Learn So You Can Teach It.

  • If you think back to how we are taught most of us learn just enough to pass a test. We have surface-level knowledge of a subject. In effect, we are a dabbler. We know just enough to be dangerous. We think we know something but our foundations are built on sand. So when questioned we stumble and fumble around in the dark.
  • However, when we learn something with the idea that we are eventually going to teach it, we tend towards looking to master a subject so if we get questions we can answer them. Our attitude towards learning has changed. With the potential to not look like we know what we are talking about we try to fill in the gaps in our understanding so we have all the answers. Our level of mastery increases. We have a real understanding.


The Rule of 33% (And How It Affects Your Confidence)

  • While you are learning, you are in a position of inferiority, as you are the one without something looking to get something in this case knowledge. This is bad for the ego. No one likes feeling uneducated, but that is the position we are in when we learn.
  • So in order to stay mentally healthy we divide how we learn into three separate categories. 33% of the time we Learn, 33% of the time we Teach, and 33% we are in Neutral, or we are just thinking about what we Learn/Teach.
  • When we learn we lose our status as we are subordinate to the teacher. So we teach what we learn and we gain back our status as we are the teacher. When we think about what we learn/teach we remain level so we don’t have the ego swings.

One other thing I should point out is that knowing that you are going to teach what you learn actually makes the learning more fun. It makes it less of a chore and more of a vocation. You also gain confidence because rather than sort of knowing what you are talking about you know your subject inside out. That inspires a number of things not least is a newfound confidence in yourself.


That is something worthy of your efforts.