It has been said fear of failure has killed countless ideas and splendid plans before they have even begun.

The idea of getting something wrong. For screwing up. For looking bad. Stops many people before they even begin. Hey, it is not nice to fail. Worse than that is to fail in public. The very shame of it.

So we just don’t start.


Fear not I am going to give you a step-by-step formula to build skyscraper-like confidence that has foundations solid enough to support it.

So If you have ever struggled with confidence or failed to start something because of it, or you just want to turbo-charge the confidence you already have, then you are in the right place.

MY PROMISE: By the time you finish reading this you will know the 4 exact steps to build unshakable confidence in anything you set your mind on.

This was taught to me by one of my mentors who had taught it to countless other people. I have taught it to countless people I have coached or mentored and now I teach it to you.

There are 4 Steps to building bulletproof confidence. Here they are…

Step #1 Commitment

  • To To get what you want you have to know what you want, and you have to be willing to go after it. So you have to first commit to that idea. “Without commitment, there is hesitancy a chance to draw back”. So the first step is a decision.

Step #2 Courage

  • Doing something that you are not good at takes you out of your comfort zone. There is a chance to fail. The chance to look bad. The good thing is you have made a commitment you have taken the first small movement in the right direction. Courage Takes the next big step. If you were certain to succeed no courage is required, but you are heading into the unknown and that is where some courage is required. Commitment starts you, courage bolsters you. So we can move on.

Step #3 Capability

  • As you start to do the thing that you are not good at, you start to build that capability. You try, you get feedback, you iterate, you try some more, over time you get better and better. You build your skills. You build your ability. You go from a novice floundering in the mud to a master taking off the sharp edges of your masterpiece. You develop capability. With Capability you get…

Step #4 Confidence

  • Because you have gone through the cycle your confidence is real it is not “front” or bravado, it is “not fake it until you make it”. It is real. It’s that way because you went through the cycle. It was built through all four stages. Other people’s confidence might fail them because it was never that structured like yours. Yours on the other hand has been forged by fire, so will stand the grandest of assults. Enjoy this. You earned it.

There you have it “The 4 C’s Formula” Use it wisely and it will serve you well for a lifetime of unshakeable confidence.