Most think the game of life is unwinnable after all aren’t the odds stacked against you?

This on the surface feels true after all none of us get out of it alive. Oh and don’t “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with their song still in them?” You only have to look at the world to realise that most people don’t win. They spend their life benched.

Lucky for you there is a fix.

So strap in as we uncover a strategy to beat the unwinnable game of life (your own personal Kobayashi Maru).

This will work for anyone with a smidge of smarts, a gram of gumption and a glop of get up and go. So by the time you finish reading this, you will have a strategy to understand the game of life. You’ll also have a formula for beating it. This strategy has worked for me and all those lucky few I have taught it to.

It will work for you if you adopt it.

This is how it works…

Understand You Are In A Game

  • Most people don’t realise that they are in a game they think life is something else outside of things. But life is a game just like any other. So you should start to see it that way. If you do and you accept that it is, it gives you some advantages. It allows you to move on to the next step of the game.

Understand The Rules.

  • Because most think life is not a game they fail to realise the game has rules. Now that you know it is a game. You accept that it is. You figure out that in order to win first you must learn the rules of the game. So you look for the rules. You uncover the rules. You search out the rules. You do this by seeing who is winning and who is losing. What rules do they play by, and how that affects them?

Play By The Rules That Win

  • Once you understand the rules of the game and you have a working understanding of which rules lead to victory you play by those rules. You do this to gain an understanding of how to play to win.

Play By Your Own Rules

  • Once you have mastered the game, you get to play by your own rules. You get to play your own game. A game where you set the rules. A game thus set is a game set up for there to be only one outcome. Sure and certain victory for you.