There are only two things you need to conquer anything. Firstly, you need an enemy worth fighting. Secondly, you need to have sufficient levels of energy to fight that enemy until the battle is won.


In this quick article, we will provide you with the perfect enemy to fight. We will also give you a tool to provide you with near-infinite reserves of energy.

So If you are someone with a goal, a vision a future worth fighting for you are in the right place.

By the time you finish reading this, you will have a foe worthy of your best efforts and an energy source comparable to a split atom.

I have used this to help friends, family, clients and myself get incredible amounts of effort on tap to get out of a rut or a slump and turn on God levels of performance.


A Worthy Enemy

  • I could suggest a number of people who might make a worthy enemy to battle against, but the reality is there is only ever one who makes the grade. The only enemy worthy of your attention is “The best version of yourself”. You know what you could be if you did everything you are capable of. Well, they exist at the end of your best efforts. They are there mocking you for your feeble efforts. Your pulled punches and your mailed in performances. They are what you are competing against. Don’t let them beat you. Show them who’s boss.

A Limitless Energy Source.

Ok, This is going to take a little bit of explanation but a little bit of mental practice.

I want you to assess your current level of energy from 1-10

  1. There is no hope, nothing doing, no movement. It’s Hell.
  2. There is sloth-like movement and drudgery, Appathy
  3. The world looks dreary and is out to get you. There is resentment.
  4. There is anger and fear.
  5. This is neutral not bad not good but level.
  6. Belief with a bit of faith says maybe you can do this.
  7. Hell yes, I can do this nothing is going to stand in my way I got this!
  8. I am a joy-filled glorious confident capable human being I can do anything I put my mind to.
  9. I am a luminous being a love-filled, bliss-filled radiant ball of light.
  10. I am one with the universe I am everyone, everything that has been or will ever be.

Once you have a level that you think you are at I want you to imagine yourself in a room. In the room behind you is a door that takes you to the next level down, and in front of you a door that takes you to the next level up.


If you were to walk through a door your current level of energy would be left at that door and as you enter you will imagine taking on the new energy. See how this feels.


Try it. I suggest you drop one down quickly see how it feels and then come right back up to where you are. Then try the door one level up and see if you can take on those words that energy. Feel it in your mind, in your body.


The more you practice the easier it will be to walk through the doors and take on the desired state of energy. The energy that you need for the situation you are in. If you find yourself below 5 just walk through a couple of the higher doors.


Test each level to see which is best for everyday things, for work or whatever. Some states are better than others 9 might not be best when you have a deadline. So like i say experiment.


Don’t underestimate the power of this.


You now have an enemy worthy of you and a method of energy creation, enjoy conquering the world.