If you stare deeply into the mirror of your soul and you are ruthlessly honest with yourself you know that there is a much better version of yourself waiting to exist. A you who is all that you could be. A you who has all the things you always wanted. Does the things you always wanted to do. Lives a life so well that death would tremble to take him.


Maybe, that guy exists in a parallel universe quietly mocking the you in this one. Knowing what you could have been if only you had used all that you have been given. The parallel universe you is your big “What if” or “If Only I Did…”


It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s useful to think about, in fact, we can adopt this Idea to make a powerful version of ourselves in this universe.


If we can convince ourselves there is a best version of us out there we can use that idea as fuel. I will speak more on that in a second.


Before I do I should tell you who this is for… This piece is for anyone who knows that they are not living up to their peak potential. Those who have a sneaky suspicion the superhuman you is waiting in the wings.


If so by the time you finish reading this, you will know how to use this idea of you as a method to motivate you, an ideal to inspire you, an enemy to throw rocks at and as rocket fuel to move you further forward faster than you ever thought possible


I have read maybe 2000 self-improvement books most of which are useful for paper machete hats. Most have little in the way of worthwhile ideas. This one concept puts the rest to shame, kicks sand in their face and tweaks their noses.


Why is believing in a parallel universe so useful?


Reason #1 It Gives You An Aim

  • Everyone tells us we need a vision (without it the people perish) Parallel You, is that Vision it is that ideal that you aspire to. “Parallel You” makes all the right decisions has made all the right decisions, and will continue to make all the right decisions. The same can be said for their actions. When you get stuck or in a rut you ask yourself “What would Parallel You do?”.

Reason #2 Gives You An Enemy To Battle

  • I will write more on this idea in future articles but let me just state this…. We all do much better and become much better versions of ourselves when we have an enemy who tests us, who pushes us, who battles and challenges us. When you use Parallel You as your enemy you have the perfect nemesis. He/she challenges you to be better to be the best version of yourself because somewhere out there they are doing what you know you should be doing. They are working that little bit harder, they are kicking ass and taking names while you are excuse-making for yourself. But F*ck that guy, you can do anything they can do and today you will show them.

Reason #3 Gives You A Mask To Wear Or A Role To Play

  • If you are really clever with the idea of Parallel You, you can step into their universe and bring them back with you. You can wear them like a costume. When you can think of Parallel You clearly enough you can play a game and mentally step into them and wear them for a while. You can imagine what they might walk like, talk like, think like and act like. You too can be just like that and embody that. See what it feels like. Maybe some of Parallel You will rub off on you. Maybe you wear Parallel You when you need to be at your best, we know how to play make-believe. In this instance, you get to be the best version of yourself that you can be. You can put on or take the Parallel You mask any time you see fit. Oh, and that rub-off that I talked about the more you wear Parallel You the more you become them. After all, we all know we become what we think about most of the time. This does that for you in spades.

There is a better version of you somewhere out there maybe it is time to bring them inside.