If you are a business owner who struggles to have the business that you always dreamed of you are almost definitely that way because you don’t know what a perfect business looks like.


Fortunately, you are just about to find out what that looks like, more importantly by the end of this post you will learn what you should be doing to get one of your own.

So if you are a business owner, founder, CEO or Entrepreneur strap yourself in we are about to take off.

Oh and by the way I have used this simple framework to improve every business I have ever consulted in. So don’t let the simplicity of it fool you.


The first thing you need to have in order to get a perfect business is to have a blueprint of what one should look like. So here it is…

“A Perfect business (one that you can be proud of and other people envy) has a predictable stream of qualified leads or prospects, that you can pick from, and choose only the most desirable clients or customers. 

It has great systems and processes in place to deliver your product or service in ways that absolutely delight your customers. 

It has superstar people to run these systems and processes and deliver the delight.  

So the business runs like a well-oiled machine and turns it into your own personal cash-generating printing press.” 

Let’s break that down.

  1. A predictable stream of leads (This means you always know where your clients are coming from, and that you can turn them on like a tap.)
  2. With that, you get to pick and choose who you take on (you get the cream, not the scraps).
  3. Your business is systems-run and optimized to give your customers a world-class experience.
  4. The people who look after the systems aren’t just any old Joe who wants a job, but is a high-flying killer.
  5. With that, your business churns out the cheese.


Predictable leads to pick from, systems delivering delight, run by superstars = Cash Printing Press.

If you want a vision for your business start with this, and chip away the rough edges until that becomes true.