Most productivity advice Sucks!

Experts tell you to do this and do that. They tell you about lists, habits, strategies, apps, software and systems. They tell you that each one will make you 10, 20, 50, 100, 500% more productive. Jeez, if that were true by now after following all that advice i should be at least 50 thousand times more productive than the average human. Guess what? Yep! I am not.


The thing is with every additional peace of complication that I add to my production rather than speed me up it slows me down. I am sure it is the same for you.

  • So if you like me, want to get sh*t done in double quick time then buckle up. It is time for some cold hard truths.
  • By the time you finish reading this, you will have a foolproof strategy to take action on all the things that matter in all the areas that matter.
  • This simple idea has helped countless business owners, entrepreneurs, friends, and family but most importantly it has worked for me. I am confident it will work for you too.


Brainstorm the areas that are important to you.

-This could be health, wealth, work, love, happiness, money whatever. We all have the areas that are important to us.

Figure out in those areas all the actions that actually move us toward what we want, move us away from what we don’t want, or get us nearer our goal, vision or purpose.

-These could be anything, Go to the gym for 1 hour 3 days a week, do 50 cold outreachs a day, plan that trip to the countryside or whatever.

Now simplify it down to just one single unit of action.

-The more the complexity the less the likelihood of completing it. So If we want to get healthy get down on the floor and do just one press-up (you will do more once you are down there I assure you. Do one cold outreach, once you have done the first the others will come far easier. Take a step outside find the nearest green thing and stand by or on it.

The easier we make something the more likely we will do it. The more likely we will keep doing it the more likely the habit will develop. We trick ourselves into long-term consequences through no-big-deal mini actions of just one small thing at a time.

Big uncomfortable actions psychologically scare us because they create too many variables. However, you know what you are getting at the beginning of one small action. So there is no fear.