The 3 Pillars Of Rapid Business Growth

There are only 3 things you need to make a business take off like a rocket, bring it back from the edge of cliff or turn it from a stagnant swamp into a coursing river. Three things, that’s it.

I am sure you realise this, but businesses are only ever in one of three stages, growing, dying or stuck (and stuck is the first nail in the coffin).

No matter what stage you are in, there only three things you need to improve the situation.

If you business is dying these things will breath life into it. If it is stagnant it will get the ball moving again. If it is already growing these three things will take you into the stratosphere.

So what are these three things? Before I tell you what they are, I’m going to tell you to pay particular attention to why they are important. Because the WHY is so much more important than the what. The what they are is simple, that is why most people overlook them. They don’t see their power. They miss the opportunity.

Clarity, Direction & Strategy.

If you are planning a journey you need three things a starting place (Point A) and Destination (Point B) and a method to get you from A to B. Simple.

This is what Clarity, Direction and Strategy will do for you. It will get you from where you are, to where you want to be.

Clarity – Knowing exactly without deception your current situation.

Most business owners self deceive, they have to because business is hard. The risks of long-term success are low (we all know most businesses fail). So you have to lie to yourself, to believe you will overcome the stacked odds.

You need to be honest with yourself and your business. What is its current situation? How are you doing?

For many these are tough questions. There is a payoff for asking these questions it does not have to be all bad or only slightly good. For most people when they get really clear on where they are they see things they missed from not looking. Things like overlooked assets and opportunities to create windfall profits and additional revenue streams. Every business that I have ever worked with have uncovered countless opportunities because of the clarity they gained. When your head is in the sand you can see nothing.

So you need to get absolutely clear on where you are.

The first step on the path to clarity is being totally on top of your numbers. Specifically The Business Power Numbers (the ones you absolutely need to know to improve any business). I have put together a simple power numbers report and checklist Here. Once you have a clear picture of where you are starting from, the next step in your equation is a place we are looking to get to. So lets discuss…

 Direction – Knowing exactly the outcome you expect from your business.

Hope is not what you think it is. Hope keeps you stuck. Hope is the enemy of certainty. It keeps everything up in the air. It is not a good compass to point you to your future. Yet it is what most business people rely on for the success of their business.

A business in order to have any real chance of success has first to know what success looks like. Do you know what the outcome is for your business? And to hope it is here this time next year is not an outcome!

So what does business success really look like for you? What is your outcome? Sit back and relax while it churns cash, watch it rapidly grow, sell it for a fortune?

Take a few moments to thing about that, what do you really want from you business?

Great now you have a starting point and a destination so now we need the third part…

Strategy – A Step-by-Step plan to take you from where you are, to your most desired destination.

Most business owners/managers don’t have a coherent plan for their company. If you are like them then, it is probably the same for you. So lets fix that.

I have a detailed method for doing this that takes you nearly effortlessly from A to B called The Rapid Strategy Breakdown Process™. Unfortunately, that is outside the scope of this article. So as an alternative we will use good old fashioned reverse engineering.

That works like this… Just take your end goal (Destination) and figure out what would be the last major goal that would take place before you hit your success destination. Then, do the same for that goal. Rinse and repeat all the way back to where you are right now. Don’t over complicate it just figure out what the goals would be, and you will come up with a logical sequence of what would precede the current step all the way back to the beginning.

Now you have a loose strategy. You can then brainstorm some ideas to get you from where you are to the first goal on your strategy. Just take some action on those ideas and you are on your way.


 So what comes next? Well, depends on how committed you are to this. At the very least you should go get a copy of The Business Power Numbers Checklist™ and start the first step in gaining some clarity. Or if you are really serious about taking your business to the next level. Get in touch I’d love to chat.