Crank Out Killer Content Fast: My No-Fail Method for Short Article Success!!!

By |2024-05-21T07:08:27+00:00May 21st, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Self Improvement, Writing|

Thirty days ago I wanted to re-develop a writing habit. Read on if you want my process for doing just that, From how I come up with ideas all the way to publishing them. By the time you finish reading this, you will know exactly step by step how I go about it. I can't spell, [...]

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How to Enjoy Every Step of Your Life’s Journey: A Secret That’s Infinite!

By |2024-05-20T07:36:58+00:00May 20th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

I hate it when things don't land properly... Recently, a group chat with friends turned into a discussion about TV series that fail to deliver satisfying endings. It's an oh-so-common situation these days. Anyway, one friend’s comment stuck with me: “Enjoy the journey, the destination usually sucks.” This got me thinking about life as a journey [...]

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Are You Ignoring Your Brain’s Secret Superpower? Here’s How to Activate It…

By |2024-05-19T09:09:56+00:00May 19th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Let me share something that has profoundly changed my life: understanding how the Reticular Activating System (RAS) really works. Yep, it's a bit of a mouthful, but stay with me. When you fully understand what it does and how to wield it on your terms it can truly unlock your potential. What I Figured Out Our [...]

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The Dark Side of Ambition: How to Chase Goals and Actually Be Happy!

By |2024-05-18T08:51:11+00:00May 18th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

It is a well-known fact to those who know it well that your desires and fantasies make you miserable. If that first sentence doesn't stop you in your tracks and say "Hold up Snowy, I come to you for some ideas, advice, some motivation or inspiration... What is this ####???" Fear not dear reader what follows [...]

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Dial Up Your Influence: Master the 4 Levels of Communication!

By |2024-05-17T07:44:09+00:00May 17th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Creative, Psychology, Self Improvement|

I am the worst kind of communicator, well in my natural state... You see there are four levels of communication and more often than not I default to the lowest level. In the novel "The Wise Man's Fear" one of the characters suggests that it is stupid to say 10 words when one word will do. [...]

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Out of Ideas? Here’s How to Start an Idea Revolution Inside Your Head…

By |2024-05-16T07:25:00+00:00May 16th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

There is an incredibly destructive disease that puts fear into the heart of man... What is this fear I hear you ask? I will get to that in just one second. Before I do I want to ask you a question... How many ideas do you have for changing your future for the better? If you [...]

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Future-Proof or Fail: The No-BS Blueprint to Surviving A Rapidly Changing World

By |2024-05-15T07:14:01+00:00May 15th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Exponential technologies are coming (AI, Robots, Rocketry, Gene-editing etc) they are going to change the world!   You have 3 options. Get run over by watching it happen. Try and Keep up. Future-Proof Yourself. It is about option 3 we are going to discuss.   Right now we are in what Peter Diamandis calls "The deceptive [...]

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You’ve Got a Vision? So What! This Secret Will Actually Get You Somewhere

By |2024-05-14T07:12:21+00:00May 14th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Productivity, Psychology, Self Improvement|

You have your Vision for the future but now what? Everyone and their uncle will tell you that you should have a vision. In fact, without a vision people perish, that's what is said in the good book. Oh, and Steve Jobs was a visionary so it must be a good idea. Look this is not [...]

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The Liar Called Perfectionism: Unmasking Procrastination’s Best Friend

By |2024-05-13T07:28:51+00:00May 13th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Procrastination stopped me from writing this... Oh, hold on a second!!!   It has been said that perfectionism is procrastination disguised as quality control. I like that idea. The idea that I Don't/Won't do something until it's perfect. Why would I want to subject anyone to less than my best?   That is a perfectly reasonable [...]

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From Interest to Obsession: How to Engineer Your Passion (A Formula)

By |2024-05-12T08:24:33+00:00May 12th, 2024|Busineess Growth, Psychology, Self Improvement|

Follow your passion and you will never work a day in your life...Hogwash, Total and utter Hogwash!   There are many problems I have with the idea of following your passion least of all is finding your passion in the first place. Look around the world and you will see this one deniable fact. Passion is [...]

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